Thursday, August 9, 2012

a lot of kurobas here

原沢 柊

ohohoho these cute-adorable-strap already arrived in afternoon XD

okay.. i'll waiting my next package from hongkong n china :')
hope it'll arrived SOON , in this week please T^T~ #pray ...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

eh? its been a while

原沢 柊

woaahh??? i'm totally surprised with blogger sudden changing *0*/
it's looks better but i'm still  confuse with these =-=

yah .. suddenly i have some mood for writing this blog
but..what i must write here??? #confuse again

ah yah!! recently i got addicted with Kuroko no Basket
yah kuroko ... he's so cute..n adorable isn't?
although the cuteness of kuroko's makes me fansgirling.. the cost for fansgirling with kurobas stuff , and cosplay accessories isn't cheap enough but it was so damn EXPENSIVE =--=,,#tableflip
for example the official phone strap it cost 830 yen
okay, when its arrived in my country those damn-cute-fucking-phonestrap cost will be around 1000 yen!!  then the jersey of seirin + jacket club + etc stuff~ [wig,basketshoes, school/team bag + nigou *should i rent some huskey 8D??] Yah it almost makes my daily budget increased to higher level =-=
actually i was in the middle of holiday, my parents won't gimme some pocket money T_T~ #cries
i need more money rite now #scream
my salary isn't big enough #should i say big =-= #dontcare

okay just it.. #legalau

Thursday, March 22, 2012


it's been a long time since my last update ==
i'm so sorry.. i'm so lazy to write some diary or..something else
yah..let's see.. what something new?
um dun't hav anything rite now ==a
i just wandering how i put it together become once!
yah never mind..

Alrite i bought sheryl's wig again #its already third time
why it's looked so beauty! when i saw it on every site.. color of those wig are so awesome
want to buy all of them #okay i dun't had any money rite now